Are you facing foreclosure and wondering how to save your home? Have you been served a foreclosure complaint? After receiving the foreclosure complaint, many people get scared and overwhelmed and just do nothing. However, generally, you have only 20 days to file a response to a foreclosure lawsuit in Hawaii or the Lender may file an entry of default, limiting your rights and options. Therefore, it is important to take action immediately to defend your home. Please feel free to click on the links below to read articles published in the Honolulu Star Advertiser illustrating our zealous legal representation of foreclosed homeowners.
At Affinity Law Group, LLLC, we understand that your home is one of your primary assets and invaluable to your family. We will review and zealously represent you utilizing all legal strategies available to avoid foreclosure and negotiate an out-of-court resolution to help you protect your property. As a homeowner, you have options and rights to fight foreclosure. We aim to provide every client with caring and individualized legal representation to help them accomplish their legal and financial goals in a reasonable and cost-efficient manner.
Whether you are behind on your mortgage payments and have yet to receive foreclosure papers or have been served with a foreclosure notice, you have legitimate defenses as a borrower and homeowner. This law firm will utilized all legal rights that you have in defending your foreclosure lawsuit.
Defending against a foreclosure lawsuit is a complex court process that involves the practice of law, and consumers should beware of trusting non-legal professionals who promise unreasonable results.
Contact us today to discuss your options and if we are able to assist, we will schedule a confidential free in-person, no obligation consultation to discuss your rights and the options that are available to you as a homeowner. We have help many homeowners save their home through aggressive representation in foreclosure litigation, bankruptcy protection, loan modification and other methods and will do our best to do the same for you.
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